Before you get ready to join your next online meeting or class, take a few minutes to really set yourself up for success!
Before you get ready to join your next online meeting or class, take a few minutes to really set yourself up for success!
ZOOM Meeting is updating often! Step by step tutorial on how to update your ZOOM account, and a list of some recent changes.
Canva design tool is amazing! You can create almost anything you need in this platform. Get a look around within this tutorial video. Plus access Canva Pro for free, for 45 days.
Ideas, pro tips & fun for this holiday season, even if we have to use a digital space to get together. Wrap up 2020 and this holiday season by creating new memories!
5 Tips to help you engage and reach your audience online.
Chatting about leading meetings via ZOOM, supporting a team, and customers/clients.
At the beginning of a new year, and especially at the beginning of a new decade, vision boards are popular. I talk with Lesley Calvin from Positive Forward Motion about the value of Vision Boards, and discuss if it’s all fluff.
LATER is the scheduling app I use to plan my social media posts. This platform allows me to be more efficient and intentional on how I spend my time.
Canva offers the option of creating animated social media posts which are engaging and fun! Learn how to create your own post, with a step by step view.
Learning through creativity can help organizations solve problems with innovative solutions. #10DAYTACKLE & Solo Trip Vlog series were 2 ways I grew my creativity & stretched my comfort zone.
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Designed by Ex Nihilo Designs
We live and work on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe, Mississauga and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation Lands.