Resources You Can Use
Here are a variety of free resources, including downloads and options available to you within this blog (only). Check out the TEN+ resources, including eight free options and more.
It has been an honour to help many facilitators move their training workshops online! Kudos to all of you who have put in a lot of extra work to make that shift, and for you courage to tackle the learning curve!!
Tools You Can Use:
Canva is one the the tools that I use almost every day, for my YouTube thumbnails, social media posts, PowerPoint slides, visuals, checklists, pamphlets and more! One of the first reasons I moved to a Pro account, was so that I could resize one creation for another purpose, to save me time. Plus the videos, photos, moving animations and more is fantastic!! You can even remove the background from a photo you took, after you upload it. It’s a tool that is fantastic for my marketing, promotion and most importantly to reach and engage a variety of learning types in my audience.
1. CANVA Pro
You can sign up for a free account with Canva, or the paid Canva Pro Plan. In my opinion, it is 100% worth it! NEW Canva Affiliate Link:
2. Quick Reference Resource Free Download
3. Inline Learning Checklist
4. Video Tutorials on YouTube
5. Learning Personality Quiz
Our Free Quiz, about different learning preferences.
6. Digital Course
‘Engaging Online Learning Events’
Facilitate engaging online events, by following 5 steps! Access this special price and gain lifetime access now.
7. Even More Ways to Access Regular Quick Tips
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8. Complimentary Meeting to Discuss Services
Complimentary 15- Minute Meeting
Affiliate Links:
LATER Referral Program:
Canva Affiliate Link:
PresenterMedia Affiliate Link:
ZOOM Affiliate Link:
CyberLink PowerDirector:
SurfShark VPN:
10. Weekly Video/Blog
Join our email list, and gain access to downloads, resources and tools you can use, through our secret and exclusive member web page. Get this free two page download, packed with TIPS, when you join the email list.
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