Zoom’s New Chat Options
When I am a participant, and I type a chat comment during a Zoom meeting, and I realize I have a typo or spelled a word wrong, I want to be able to delete it. When I am running an event in Zoom, facilitating training, or producing the tech behind the scenes, and a person has comments about something that would be disruptive, I want the option to delete that chat. Sometimes, you may have a public event on Zoom, and someone shares a link to promote their services; you want to be able to delete the chat, right? Now you can. The video tutorial (later in this blog post) shows you how to activate this setting in your Zoom account and how to use the new Zoom Chat Experience before you post and after.
- Recently, I checked my Zoom account settings and shared them with you.
- One option to turn on or activate is the New Chat Experience.
- I also recommend you check the box to turn on the Zoom Delete Chat feature.
- Another setting I like to have on is Auto Save.
- In my video tutorial, I then demonstrate the new features in the Chat Panel.
- You can now edit it before you post your comment or question in the chat.
- As a facilitator or producer (host and co-host) you can Copy what you previously posted.
- You or your participants can also Quote and reply to someone else’s chat.
- The Delete is important to you as a host and to your participants.
- Note that you need to change your settings during the meeting, you can decide only to allow people to chat with the host and cohosts, to everyone, or everyone and anyone directly.

Update your Zoom Account Settings

Zoom New Chat
Why this matters
- During a Zoom meeting, mistakes happen, such as a typo or a chat comment, and someone realizes they need to delete it. Give your participants that control. In a public event, you could have someone post a link to promote themselves; it’s handy to be able to delete something inappropriate.
- Where you would use the Copy option is, for example, if you have typed in chat instructions and someone shows up late, you no longer have to re-type what you already shared.
- As a participant, I prefer to chat with someone privately, and I get frustrated when the settings do not allow me to message anyone other than the host. Maybe someone needs a question answered or help, and the host has not noticed it, but I can privately answer the person’s question, and no one is embarrassed.
- However, as a host, there may be times when you temporarily change the setting to only chat with you directly and no one else, as, for example, an issue needs to be sorted out privately behind the scenes.
My previous blogs and video tutorials provide a Zoom Settings check-in for reviewing what you missed and what’s new, including Zoom’s new AI features, which I also discuss.
Stay tuned; in future blogs, I will share some tips about Using AI to develop training, MS Teams, Hybrid contexts, eLearning course development, facilitation onsite or online considerations, and more. Send me an email if you have an idea for a future blog and video tutorial. Don’t forget that every blog has a bonus hot tip if you scroll down.
Previous Podcasts
Hot Bonus Tip
- Giving your participants more control over their learning experience, especially as adults, shows respect and creates a safe learning environment for everyone. When people feel safe and respected, they are more open to the learning experience and participating.
- Remember to Update your Zoom often.
UPCOMING VIDEOS & BLOGS: Additional Book Reviews, Hot Tech Trends in Learning and Development, More Zoom Updates, MS Teams, Learning Experience Design Tips, and more!
If you missed it: Zoom’s New Settings; Facilitator Carry-on Bag Must Bring List; Are you losing learners? Shopping for a Course Authoring Platform? The Neurodiverse Workplace (Book Recap) Working with Clients or Vendors/Consultants
‘Virtual Facilitator Course’
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Patricia Regier, MEd is the Online Expert who’s built a career on the belief that training and online learning doesn’t have to be boring. As Owner of Regier Educational Services and with a Master of Adult Education, Patricia is known for making her audience feel empowered, engaged, courageous and confident. Her debut book and keynote, The Online Shift teaches newcomers to the online space and seasoned professionals alike how to optimize their online presence and maximize engagement. She’s tried, tested and refined using the latest behavioral science, research and psychology to make sure your next online experience is a hit!
To book Patricia as a speaker, please email patricia@regiereducation.com