Problem attitudes at trainings, workshops or presentations are frustrating. Co-workers or employees who don’t like to participate in workplace learning can be difficult. People with an attitude, who roll their eyes, or share negative comments are challenging.
Transformational learning, or getting people to change their attitudes about learning. Help your audience go from bored to engaged. Provide a variety within the learning experience so that they don’t tune you out.
Impact Change
Problem attitudes at workplace trainings can impact learning outcomes. Here are some ways to impact change, transform attitudes, and increase learning:
Passionate about the topic! Be persuasive and energetic, not boring; ensure that you care about the topic.
Knowledgeable about the training. Be able to answer tough questions.
Collaborative learning. Especially include the employees that don’t want to be there.
Manage the narrative. Facilitate open discussion without it becoming one person’s soap box platform for their negative thinking.
Creative learning experiences. Consider how you can include variety and interest within your training event. Incorporate fun activities or some laughter, which can be included even in boring or serious training.
Know your learners. Do you know what matters to your employees? Why they feel that the new policy is not important? What their full context is, in relation to implementing the learning?
Know yourself. Are you getting frustrated with the lack of interest? Your attitude may be mirrored by the employees, or feed their lack of interest. Getting angry with the problem employees, especially in front of others, can set the stage for poor learning.
Feedback. Communication and dialogue is important to understanding how you can help facilitate great learning experiences. Use the feedback to evaluate if any changes are needed at future workplace trainings.
Evaluate the learning. Pre and Post questionnaires, which are anonymous, can track if you have made a difference in a person’s attitude.
Work with them or without them. You can decide if the problem attitude can be worked through, or if it will hinder the learning for everyone else. If it becomes a disciplinary issue, then possibly include human resources or upper management within a coaching conversation. Try other options listed above first, then at some point a private coaching conversation with the employee may be appropriate.
Problem Attitudes at Trainings + Impact Change Activities = Learning Outcomes
Problem attitudes within a training session can be frustrating, but there are ways to impact change and increase learning!
Engage Your Audience
Regier Education Online Courses
Inspired Learning Personality Quiz
About the Author

Patricia Regier is a learning experience designer, and sought after speaker. She brings twenty years of experience working within the non-profit sector, developing programs, building collaborative partnerships and providing workplace education. Her Master of Adult Education and BA in Psychology pairs academic knowledge with practical experience. REGIER EDUCATIONAL SERVICES’ mission is to support managers and directors by ‘training the trainers’. We understand that many organizations don’t have training departments and staff development impacts the agency’s purpose. To request more information about learning and development opportunities please contact: