Regular workplace training opportunities contribute to agency quality improvement. Behaviour Change, Learning Culture, and Leadership Buy-In, are important considerations in an organization’s education plan. When employees receive fantastic workplace training, and have a variety of learning choices, this impacts the whole organization. Regular workplace training produces quality improvement.
Behaviour Change
Building a positive workplace learning culture, requires behavior change. People don’t always ‘like change’ or trying new things. Whether learning to master a new computer program, implementing a policy change, or introducing employees to the organization’s values, every situation requires some degree of behavior change. In the workplace, learning something new means doing things differently from what you are used to. Collectively, part of behavior change can include a positive attitude towards attending training sessions. A positive attitude improves the overall learning culture.
Learning Culture
Providing professional development for all employees can help organizations’ meet their targets, and deliverables! An organization’s vision, goals, or purpose, can include specific outcomes that are expected. Reaching desired results requires growth and ongoing development. When employees attend an educational seminar or workshop, better results require a desire to learn (one behaviour change). When an organization has a positive attitude about embracing learning, the investment into that training receives more payoffs. Accessing great training resources, dynamic trainers (or speakers) who are engaging, contributes to a positive learning culture. People should be rewarded when participating in learning by enjoying the experience. Even difficult topics or policy training can be enriching learning experiences, with positive outcomes. Those outcomes can include growing a positive organizational learning culture. Knowing what to look for can support your informed decisions or choices about learning resource options.
Leadership Buy-In
Changing the culture of an organization, not only requires behaviour change from employees or members, it may first require support from the leadership or governance. Training and development requires investment and vision for the potential of an organization’s direction. Learn where to begin, when writing an organization’s education plan, here: . Some tips for how to present opportunities to your governance, or leadership, here: . It is important to first understand your leadership’s expectations and goals. Preparing ahead of time for how to approach questions, and potential concerns. Your proposal ‘pitch’, requires understanding and listening to the person you are trying to gain approval. Have a plan before approaching leadership with the goal of investing in educational services. Knowing what information to share can support leadership’s informed decisions and choices about learning resource options.
Workplace Learning = Results
Behaviour Change, Learning Culture, and Leadership Buy-In, are important considerations when developing an organization’s education plan. When employees receive fantastic workplace training, and have a variety of learning choices, results can be seen across all levels and aspects of the organization. An ongoing strong workplace training program produces quality improvement.
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About the Author
Patricia Regier is a learning experience designer, and sought after speaker. She brings twenty years

of experience working within the non-profit sector, developing programs, building collaborative partnerships and providing workplace education. Her Master of Adult Education and BA in Psychology pairs academic knowledge with practical experience. REGIER EDUCATIONAL SERVICES’ mission is to support managers and directors by ‘training the trainers’. We understand that many organizations don’t have training departments and staff development impacts the agency’s purpose. To request more information about learning and development opportunities please contact: