Latest ZOOM Update Tips
Exciting new features with the latest ZOOM update Part Two. Plus how to merge the phone-in participant with their video. This is especially important for breakout rooms. Also, you would be amazed at how much you can do from your phone! See the ‘Phone-in’ Participant perspective in this video tutorial. Including wrap up thoughts and tips on using the latest features in ZOOM.
Recap Highlights & Tips
- Sharing in Breakout Rooms: Must check ‘Multiple Participants Share’ in settings
- Pound, #, Hashtag – all the same symbol 😉
- Try logging in different ways, such as calling in, so that you understand your participant’s perspectives and can explain the steps they need to take
- Give clear instructions for breakout groups ahead of time, and ask your participants to take a picture of the ‘steps slide’ or provide them in a handout ahead of time
- Say what slide or what page # you are on, when talking about handouts and workbooks
- Spotlight feature. Good for recording, not good if the facilitator wants to see the participants
- If you can NOT merge phone and video boxes, then move both manually into breakout rooms
- Have people rename their phone number with their name and ‘phone’ so that you know who to move into breakout rooms
- Write down people’s phone numbers so you know who can be let back in from the waiting room, if they have internet issues or leave the meeting
- Second device, or phone should have the ‘sound’ off, so there isn’t an echo
- If people call in from a company or work phone system, they may not know their own phone number to rename it. (Process of elimination)
BLOG Part One Tips & Highlights
New ZOOM features Part One Tutorial VIDEO
We do more than ZOOM, but like to keep you in the loop with changes on that platform. Another update is available now. Please note that if EVERYONE in your meeting does not have the latest update, then all the new features will not be available to everyone.

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FYI: Regier Educational Services recently changed some of my social media channel, handles to @RegierEducation
UPDATE on our SERVICES: We provide support as your Production Partner. Patricia can train you about ZOOM, and be your technical support for you online learning event.
I hope that you have a light bulb learning moment today and that you’re able to facilitate those for your audience, turning them into participants.
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Patricia with Regier Educational Services, helping facilitators engage the variety of learning types in your online audience. Education includes a Master of Adult Education, a BA in Psychology, and twenty years experience developing and facilitating workplace, community and collaborative training. Online learning experience designer and facilitator. Utilizing teaching adults best practices, and innovative multi-media resources to emphasize your message. Engaging content creator, facilitator and online production partner.
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Expertise: LIVE Online Events and Engaging Virtual or Remote Training Workshops, ZOOM, Multimedia Content Creation, Variety Learning Types. Plus Online Workshop or Meeting Production Partner Support and Training.
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